Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Week 2 Review

So how did I do?

Last week my goal was to journal at least one full day over the weekend, and I am happy to say I meet that goal.  I recorded all Friday and Saturday.  It was not easy, I had to make myself do it just to prove that I could do it.  And it was a good thing I did because, I found out that I need to save more calories for the weekends.  Something I already knew, but like anything, without the hard evidence you can conveniently forget.  And it seems like Saturday is my big food and wine day.  So now I know and can plan accordingly.

That is the best part about tracking what you eat is, you can figure out any eating patterns and then formulate a plan to deal with any issues.  Sometimes your plans are genius and work right away, and other times it takes tons of tweaking.  I have not come up with a big grandiose plan yet, but I will be thinking about one in the next couple days and then see if it works for Saturday. 

One big change I know I need to make is the Sprouts bin treats.  I love those stupid bins, but they are not very helpful when you are trying to slim down.  And Wednesday, for some reason has always been the day I want to give myself a little treat and it is also the day I go grocery shopping at Sprouts.  The last row of bins are the most tasty and tempting, therefore I need to steer clear of that isle.  In addition, since that is the day I like to treat myself I should add wine to my evening dinner.  That way I have something to look forward to at the end of the day, and it can help me to stay clear of those devil bins.

I did struggle a bit in the middle of the week with munching around.  Once again, I know it has to do with not really planning a big calorie day.  Now that I know my big calorie day is going to be Saturday it should help with the munching during the week.   Like I said last week, it is important to include your favorite foods/drinks into your life but, you need to be smart about how you go about that.  I also noticed I saved all my wine drinking for the weekend, again not the best plan.  I am usually better off if I space it out during the week, that way I am not tempted to overindulge once I open a bottle.  I did not over do my wine intake, however I like to stick to one or two glasses a night, and a couple nights I had three.  So not horrible, just not where I would like to be.

Overall, I feel so much better both physically and mentally.  It is very refreshing to have food and wine back in it's appropriate place on the priority list.  My energy and mental well being are both up and in the healthy zone.  I am not thinking about how fat I am, how I look compared to other women, and better yet, not always thinking about my next meal or treat.  Next week's goals are to do the same, log at least one weekend day and keep my healthy attitude.  And yes, find a solution for my big calorie day and make it worth the extra calories. 

And the whole month of menu planning, I love it!  I must say, it is a brilliant idea on my behalf.  And I am still loving my Wii exercises.  I will talk more about the Wii next week.

Thank you and enjoy!

Weekly Diary
Day 8:
Buttermilk oven fried chicken with roasted potatoes and coleslaw
Exercise:  1 hour 15 min Cardio Box class at the YMCA

Day  9:
Southeast Asian Fried Rice (this was an excellent chioce for anyone who loves fried rice)
Exercise: 45 min NFL training camp and 15 min Wii Fit yoga

Day 10:
Caribbean shrimp salad (this was so good and would have loved an Albarino white wine to complement it)
Exercise: Wii Gold's Gym Cardio for 20 minutes

Day 11:
Thai beef salad (made by my sister, we do a weekly meal exchange every Wednesday)
Exercise: 30 min Wii NFL Training Camp and 20 min Wii Gold's Gym

Day 12:

Golden Winter Soup, side salad with mixed greens drizzled with champage vinegar and pumpkin seed oil topped with a TBS of pumpkin seeds.  Served with 2009 Castle Rock Pinot Nior from California $9.99

This is one of the few Pinot Noir's under the $10 range that is always worth the money.  Most of the time if you see a Pinot Noir under ten bucks, my advice is to walk on by, unless you can taste it first.  This one always delivers great Pinot taste and satisfies even the pickiest Pinot lover.  The wine was wonderful with the soup as it complemented the earthy quality of the cheese.  The texture of the soup and wine were also sung a beautiful song together.  Terrific pairing.
Exercise: 30 min Wii NFL Training Camp and 20 Wii Fit as a warm up

Day 13:
Mom's Spaghetti and meatballs with green beans and freshly baked bread, served with Page Springs Cellars and Vineyards 2010 SGMP ( I will be doing a separate post on this meal since the paring was outstanding)
Exercise: 45 Min Wii Gold's Gym Cardio Box

Day 14: 

Trader Joe's Mandarin Orange Chicken with brown rice and snow peas served with the amazing Sand-Reckoner Rose'
This TJ's meal is really good, the only pre-made frozen food I ever eat.  It is our to-go meal if we are too lazy to cook or have an empty fridge,  we always keep this dish on hand.
No exercise, just walked the dog before football

This post was originally published on January 17, 2012 on my wine blog wineabit.net

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