This week I started to lack the zeal and enthusiasm for recording all my calories on my fun little app, However, I am pleased to say I still recorded two weekend days, Friday and Sunday and did not throw in the towel for the whole week. I had to force myself to sit down and get everything punched in, but I did it! And I am so thankful I did not give up because I hit a huge milestone!
BMI: 24.87 (I am finally in the healthy range!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Weight: 149.2 (I am under 150!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I lost 1.3 since last week:)
A humongous thumbs up to me this week. Not to toot my own horn or anything, but afterall this is my blog. For one, I did not sabotage myself, even though I wanted to more than once a day everyday! Secondly, I hit the healthy zone for my BMI and my avatar on the Wii Fit is now smaller and I got a congratulations for hitting that goal. And thirdly, it is nice to know that I can keep going and not give in when things started to get difficult.
Finally and most importantly, I wore a pair of jeans this weekend, again a huge accomplishment. I have not been able to fit comfortably in any of my jeans for over a year. I refused to buy a larger pair, so basically I have been living in leggings and tunics for the last year. It felt absolutely terrific to slip on those jeans, button them without the feeling of dread, and walk out the door looking like a normal member of society, not someone hiding her figure. Plus, when I put on my outfit, my husband had the biggest smile on his face. He told me how proud he was of me, he knows what a big deal jeans are to a women, and told me how good I looked. That was huge. Not only did I believe him, it just feel amazing to get those damn things out of the drawer and on my butt! So yes, yay me!
Looking forward to next week, and thank you once again!
Originally published on 1/24/2012 on my wine blog
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